After winning the prestigious Aarhus Water Ideas Competition for innovative, energy-efficient technology two years ago, Salsnes Filter has now brought this win to contract. Collaborating with Danish engineering company EnviDan, they are installing a Salsnes Filter system at the Egaa WWTP in Aarhus, Denmark. Construction is now underway with plant start-up scheduled for spring 2016.
Salsnes Filter was selected for this project because of their well-documented and proven technology for carbon harvesting through TSS removal in primary treatment. EnviDan was chosen for their innovative approach and design using the Annamox anaerobic biological treatment for cold waters (EssDe). The objective is to produce 150% of the energy needed to run the plant.
A single module consisting of eight SFK units will be provided for primary treatment. The system will maximize carbon harvesting and is designed for polymer pretreatment to enhance solids separation.
Salsnes Filter is extremely pleased to have been chosen for this project and to be able to continue enhancing wastewater treatment in facilities around the globe.
Have questions about how a Salsnes Filter system could perform at your facility? Contact us today!