Brochure: Product Overview
Our Product Overview brochure provides details about our entire line of product offerings. It includes information on systems for municipal and industrial applications as well as our offerings for demonstration and lab testing.
Case Study: Recovering Lost Treatment Capacity
Daphne Utilities Water Reclamation Facility, Alabama, USA
With significant TSS and BOD reductions from their Salsnes Filter system, Daphne Utilities has restored previously lost plant capacity. More than that, loading reductions have cut back aerator maintenance and lowered energy consumption of blowers.
Case Study: Optimizing Biogas Production with Primary Sludge
Saulekilen Wastewater Treatment Plant, Arendal, Norway
The Saulekilen Wastewater Treatment Plant, located in Arendal, Norway upgraded their facility with six SFK600 Salsnes Filters. Thickened and dewatered primary sludge from the system is sent to anaerobic digesters to produce biogas, which is then used to generate electricity that runs the Plant. With its compact footprint, the Salsnes Filter system fit inside existing buildings to help reduce overall investment costs by NOK 17 million (~ $2 million USD).
Case Study: Primary Treatment & Cellulose Recovery
Beemster Wastewater Treatment Plant, Middenbeemster, Netherlands
For the Netherlands, resource recovery is a main priority and the Beemster WWTP, near Amsterdam, is a great example of this. They use eight SFK600 Salsnes Filters to separate fine cellulose fibers from toilet paper in the wastewater. Cellulose fibers are collected and further processed into a base material used in the production of bioplastics.
Case Study: Handling Variations in Incoming Flow
Geiranger Wastewater Treatment Plant, Stranda, Norway
On a typical day, the Geiranger WWTP treats the wastewater for 300 permanent town residents. However, in the summer months, the town becomes the second largest cruise ship port in Norway and treatment capacity at the Plant must increase to account for an influx of over 7000 tourists per day. The Salsnes Filter system is designed in such a way that it can handle these significant variations in incoming flow.
Case Study: Recovering Resources from Wastewater at Italy’s SMART-Plant
Carbonera Water Resource Recovery Facility, Carbonera, Italy
The Salsnes Filter system installed at the Carbonera Water Resource Recovery Facility in Treviso, Italy, produces a primary sludge that helps the facility recover PHA, a raw material that can be commercially reused in the production of bioplastics. It is part of a SMART-Plant demonstration system, an initiative funded by the EU Horizon 2020 programme.