FILTEC Partners with Salsnes Filter AS in an Exclusive Distribution Agreement

Reinforcing our joint Commitment to Advancing Wastewater Management

FILTEC has recently solidified its commitment to advancing wastewater management by securing an exclusive distribution agreement with Salsnes. This partnership marks a significant step forward for FILTEC in their mission to deliver the best in dewatering and reuse solutions to our Australian and New Zealand municipal and industrial customers.

Empowering Filtec Customers with Advanced Dewatering Technology

The exclusive distribution agreement between FILTEC and Salsnes provides Filtec customers with direct access to Salsnes’ advanced dewatering technology, spare parts, and associated equipment. This collaboration enhances integration processes and enables FILTEC to offer tailored reuse solutions that precisely meet the specific needs of our customers.

Salsnes – Pioneering Solids Separation Technology

Salsnes has emerged as a leader in solids separation technology since its establishment in 1991. Through research and development efforts, Salsnes has crafted a highly efficient and dependable filtration system. With a global presence and a track record of successful installations, Salsnes Filter systems are recognised for their eco-efficient wastewater treatment solutions.

Benefits of Salsnes Filtration Systems

Compact Footprint
Salsnes Filter systems require significantly less land compared to conventional treatment systems, making them ideal suitable for urban areas and facilities with limited space constraints.

Cost Efficiency
Salsnes Filter systems are designed to reduce both initial investment and ongoing operating costs, helping customers streamline budgets while maintaining high standards of wastewater treatment.

In a Salsnes Filter system SOLIDS SEPARATION, SLUDGE THICKENING and DEWATERING are performed in one compact unit, removing, on average, 50% TSS, 20% BOD and producing drier sludge (20–30% DM)

The modular design of Salsnes Filter systems ensures flexibility, allowing for seamless scalability to accommodate varying capacity requirements.

Environmental Benefits
Salsnes Filter systems prioritise sustainability throughout the treatment process, offering environmental benefits such as reduced carbon footprint and minimised sludge disposal costs.

FILTEC’s Track Record in Implementing Salsnes Technology

FILTEC has successfully deployed and supported Salsnes dewatering systems across multiple sites, including food processing plants, and industrial facilities in Australia and New Zealand. These installations showcase the effectiveness and reliability of Salsnes’ technology in addressing the unique challenges faced by different industries.

With ever-growing population, many wastewater treatment facilities face the need to increase treatment capacity but have limited or no space to install additional treatment equipment. A Salsnes Filter system is designed for situations such as this, using less than 10% the land of sedimentation tanks and clarifiers. By augmenting current primary systems with a Salsnes Filter system, wastewater treatment plants can increase treatment capacity using land they already have.

Setting New Benchmarks in Water Reuse and Dewatering Processes

As FILTEC strengthens its partnership with Salsnes, both companies remain committed to delivering innovative solutions that address the evolving wastewater treatment needs of customers in Australia and New Zealand. By leveraging Salsnes’ expertise and FILTEC’s industry experience, this collaboration aims to set new benchmarks in the areas of water reuse and efficient dewatering processes.

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Salsnes Rothera Research Station (Antarctica) WwTW

New extreme Salsnes installation in Antarctica

Download the case study

Rothera Research Station is a remote facility in Antarctica which is operated by the British Antarctic survey. Incremental growth in the staffing levels at the station had led to the overloading of the existing wastewater treatment plant and, with the commencement of construction work on site, additional treatment capacity was required. By selecting the most appropriate technology and using the latest digital design and integration techniques, a packaged solution was successfully installed to meet the future needs of the research facility.

Not only was the Rothera project a valuable demonstration of cooperative and effective risk management by all stakeholders, it has also achieved the ultimate outcome of delivering a far higher standard of wastewater treatment to the site. It is now facilitating the necessary growth of a valuable research station manned by some of the world’s leading polar and climate change scientists and is reducing pollution levels in the one of the most pristine and sensitive marine environments on Earth.

Thanks to our UK/IR partner EPS and Shaun Stevens!

Lake Garda, Italy: INTCATCH Program Protects Against Combined Sewer Overflows


Extreme Weather Events on the Rise

Year after year, the world is seeing more frequent extreme weather events, whether it is droughts, extreme temperatures, floods, or severe storms. These weather events can have immediate and undesirable impacts on water treatment facilities and the health of receiving water bodies.

For wastewater treatment plants, large amounts of rainfall or snowmelt can outpace peak flow capacities resulting in sewer overflow, where untreated (or partially untreated) wastewater is discharged, polluting receiving waters. In combined sewer systems, overflows contain not only human waste, but industrial and toxic waste.


Combating Pollution Caused by Combined Sewer Overflows

The pollution caused by combined sewer overflows (CSOs) is becoming a priority concern for countries around the globe. Enter INTCATCH, a Horizon 2020 program funded by the European Union and led by Brunel University in collaboration with 20 partner organizations across seven countries. The team is installing CSO treatment systems along with state-of-the-art monitoring tools that can measure water quality in real-time. The vision is to build the program so that any city or town can use these systems and tools to uncover how best to improve the health of their water source affected by CSOs.


Demonstrating INTCATCH in Villa Bagatta, Italy

Villa Bagatta, Italy, lies on the coast of beautiful Lago di Garda (Lake Garda) and is home to one of five INTCATCH demonstration sites, with other sites located in the UK, Greece and Spain. Lake Garda is the largest lake in Italy and a very popular tourist destination. They currently have 22 pumping stations and gravity CSO channels and 10 submerged CSO tunnels, which were designed years ago when there were fewer peak flow events. Now, with more frequent wet weather, Lake Garda is at risk of high pollution from CSOs.

Lake Garda

Lake Garda, Italy

INTCATCH begin building Villa Bagatta’s demonstration site in January 2018, when they installed the CSO treatment system comprised of a Salsnes Filter rotating belt filter system, a granular activated carbon filter and a TrojanUV3000PTP UV disinfection system. From January to October, CSOs were simulated using different combinations of raw wastewater and water from Lake Garda and put through the system. Now and until the demonstration ends in the year 2020, real CSO events are being treated by the system.

Villa Bagatta Demo Site

The demonstration site in Villa Bagatta, Italy: a Salsnes Filter rotating belt filter left in blue container, granular activated carbon filters center, and a TrojanUV3000PTP UV disinfection system far right.

Rotating Belt Filter & UV Disinfection Technology

The Salsnes Filter system is housed in a 20 foot container. Inside, a SF1000 filter (with 90 micron filtermesh), polymer station, mixer and Control Power Panel treat flows up to 50m3/h, removing, on average, 39% of suspended solids. The SF1000 performs solids separation and then transports solids to its integrated sludge thickening stage after which sludge is dropped into a collection area. The Air Knife automatic cleaning system uses compressed air to remove any remaining sludge from the filter as it rotates.

Salsnes Filter Container

The Salsnes Filter system is housed in a 20 foot container and removes, on average, 39% of suspended solids from incoming flows.

The TrojanUV3000PTP UV disinfection system is the final treatment step, destroying bacteria, protozoa and viruses before discharging into Lake Garda. UV disinfection is a physical process that instantaneously neutralizes microorganisms as they pass by UV lamps submerged in the effluent. The process is environmentally friendly and chemical-free; it adds nothing to the water but UV light, and therefore, has no impact on the chemical composition or the dissolved oxygen content of the water.


The TrojanUV3000PTP UV disinfection system is the final treatment step, destroying bacteria, protozoa and viruses before discharging into Lake Garda.

Monitoring Water Quality in Real-time

A number of monitoring tools are in place to show the efficiency of treatment equipment and its effect on lake water quality, including levels of solids/turbidity, pH, heavy metals and E.Coli. Remote-controlled boats and fixed sensors test the water in real-time and are linked to a decision support system (DSS) that helps improve day-to-day decisions about where, when and how to best help the lake.

Remote-controlled Boat

Remote-controlled boats test Lake Garda’s water quality in real-time.

The Future of INTCATCH

The INTCATCH program, using well-known and proven treatment technologies, combined with ultramodern monitoring tools, has the potential to help communities around the world reduce pollution caused by CSOs and improve the health of their water bodies.

Once the Villa Bagatta demonstration ends in the year 2020, INTCATCH’s mission will be just that – to find other communities that could benefit from the innovative program they’ve built.

European Union Notice

Salsnes Filter Helps Recover Resources from Wastewater at Italy’s “SMART-Plant”


At the Carbonera Water Resource Recovery Facility (WRRF), the Salsnes Filter system is installed as part of a SMART-Plant demonstration system that was officially inaugurated February of 2018 in the Province of Treviso, Italy, in the presence of officials from the European Commission and the Ministry of the Environment. Over 180 participants attended the event, which included a workshop and a Facility tour.

A workshop event hosted over 180 attendees including representatives from the European Commission and the Ministry of the Environment.


Becoming a Water Resource Recovery Facility 

SMART-Plant is a project that’s aim is to demonstrate the viability of a circular wastewater treatment model. Traditional wastewater treatment plants are converted into Water Resource Recovery Facilities, where products such as cellulose, biopolymers and nutrients are recovered to then go on to become commercial products in the construction, chemical and agriculture markets.

Attendees tour the WRRF’s new demonstration systems.

Recovering PHA – A Raw Material for Bioplastics

The Salsnes Filter system is part of the SMARTech 5 demonstration, performing primary treatment by separating fine cellulose fibers from toilet paper in the wastewater to produce a highly-concentrated cellulosic sludge. This sludge contains ~70% cellulose versus settled primary sludge which contains around 35%.

A SF1000 Salsnes Filter installed at the Carbonera WRRF as part of a SMART-Plant demonstration project.

The primary sludge is fed into a fermentation reactor where biodegradable solids are converted into volatile fatty acids. The liquid phase of the fermentation unit is used as a carbon source for nitrogen removal, so the WRRF doesn’t need to purchase methanol, saving costs and reducing safety management. The liquid phase also accumulates around 1.0 kg/day of Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA), a raw material that can be used in the production of bioplastics.

Stefano Salvatore, our Business Development Manager, showing the highly-concentrated cellulosic primary sludge from the Salsnes Filter system.

An EU Horizon 2020 Programme

In total, there are nine SMART-Plant demonstration systems at seven Plants across Europe. Funding for the project comes from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 690323.

The project was initiated by the Italian water utility Alto Trevigiano Servizi in cooperation with the University of Verona and the Veneto regional government. It has grown into a collaboration of 25 partners in ten countries including other universities, research companies, engineering firms, water utilities and manufacturers.

In total, there are nine SMART-Plant demonstration systems at seven WRRF’s across Europe.


Further Reading:

Salsnes Filter System to be Installed at Ultramodern Climate and Environmental Park

Wastewater treatment plants are most commonly constructed and operated with the public unaware of the important work being done at these facilities. This status quo is likely to change in Hillerød, Denmark, where the Solrødgård Climate and Environmental Park is currently being constructed.

Public Space Merged with Public Utilities

The 51-hectare Park, commissioned by the Danish utility consortium Hillerød Forsyning is using special architecture and design to merge a public recreational space with a wastewater treatment plant, as well as a recycling station and energy production plants.

This ultramodern park will be an attraction for local residents, and an educational tool for schools with its on-site Climate and Environmental Centre. The grounds will also have a large wetland area that will collect rainwater, as well as attract a rich bird population among other wildlife and plants.


Solrødgård Wastewater Treatment Plant

The Wastewater Treatment Plant is being constructed so that visitors can view the treatment technologies at work. Six Salsnes Filters are being installed at the facility, to treat wastewater for Hillerød Municipality. 


SFK600 model

SFK600 Salsnes Filter

Primary Solids Separation and Sludge Thickening and Dewatering

The Salsnes Filter system will perform primary treatment, removing approximately 50% TSS from the wastewater, as well as thickening and dewatering sludge to approximately 6% total solids. This can be compared to conventional primary treatment which typically produces sludge with about 2% total solids. Having drier sludge means that no additional thickening processes are required before sludge can be further processed for use in biogas production.


Maximizing Biogas Production

Due to the speed of the filtration process, the fresh sludge taken from the filters ensures biogas production (and energy production) will be maximized. The design of the Salsnes Filter system  allows control over the amount of organic matter that is separated in the primary stage, and how much is left in the wastewater for secondary biological treatment.

Further Reading:

SMART-Plant Pilot Project: Recovering Cellulose from Salsnes Filter Sludge

June 29th, 2017 marked the inauguration of a first-of-its-kind cellulose harvesting system installed at the Geestmerambacht Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) in the Netherlands.

This pilot system is considered to be the world’s first full-scale installation that uses sewage to produce a significant amount of high-grade cellulose that can be reused in commercial products.

Sludge as a Valuable Asset

Sewage sludge has commonly been thought of as waste, and a problem to dispose of. The Geestmerambacht WWTP pilot project intends to prove that sludge can be a valuable asset in which resources can be recovered and reused.

Salsnes Filter system installed t the Geestmerambacht Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP).

Salsnes Filter system installed at the Geestmerambacht Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP)

It is one of six pilot systems hosted by SMART-Plant, an initiative which finds innovative treatment technologies that can demonstrate environmental sustainability and prove the feasibility of circular wastewater management (an alternative to the traditional model where waste has no beneficial reuse).

Marketable Celluose – Cleaned, Dried & Disinfected

Harvested cellulose

At the WWTP, a Salsnes Filter system is installed (in collaboration with our partner CirTec) for primary treatment, separating cellulose fibers from toilet paper in the wastewater to produce a highly-concentrated sludge.

The sludge is then sent for post-processing inside the treatment plant.

The end result: marketable cellulose that has been cleaned, dried and disinfected.

Cellulose harvesting is anticipated to have added benefits to the WWTP’s downstream biological process. Results are expected to show energy savings and a reduced amount of secondary sludge produced.

Further Information

  • Read more about SMART-Plant and our involvement in this exciting project

Media Coverage

BBC Word News Segment


RTL Z Segment
Watch this video about the project from Dutch business and financial news channel, RTL Z.


Demonstration System for Brewery Wastewater Treatment

Written by and originally posted by MAK Water

Brewery Waste Water Treatment

Not satisfied with the existing waste water process, and faced with the possibility of trade waste license breaches, a trial for a Salsnes Fine Screen Filter was run.

A large food and beverage manufacturer approached MAK Water as they had increased production on multiple sites and their existing Waste Water Treatment Plants (WWTPs) were not keeping up with the new demand. They also wanted to eliminate the production of sludge as a by-product from the treatment process.

Not satisfied with existing waste water process, and faced with the possibility of future trade waste license breaches, the manufacturer engaged MAK Water to work collaboratively with their engineering consultant and run a pilot trial for a Salsnes Fine Screen Filter.

The trial ran for four weeks and was deemed a success, with the following results:

  • Sludge dewatered to approximately 20% dry matter, eliminating the sludge from the current process and enabling the waste to be disposed of by a solids waste contractor
  • Approximately 50% Total Suspended Solids (TSS) removal
  • No additional chemicals were required to dewater the sludge in the filter.

The food and beverage manufacturer went on to engage MAK Water to complete turnkey upgrades of their waste water treatment plants in both Victoria and NSW.

The scope included:

  • Salsnes fine screen filters for solids reduction
  • A pH correction system
  • On site installation works
  • Commissioning and operator training

Due for completion in November 2016, the upgrades are expected to reduce the client’s waste disposal costs and improve process control to eliminate any potential environmental license breaches.

Original Article by MAK Water

Salsnes Filter Receives “Green Light” at the British Water Innovation Exchange

On June 7th, we were invited to Brighton, UK, along with 20 other companies, to present our technology at the British Water Innovation Exchange. This marks the 31st event of this kind hosted by the British Water association and their fifth time collaborating with Southern Water, a utility that provides water and wastewater treatment services in the South East of England.

Stefano Salvatore (Business Development Manager) and Roger Webb (Sales Manager, UK), attended the event and received a green light for their presentation on the Salsnes Filter system.

The event is held in a “Dragons Den” style format, designed to provide instant feedback as to whether the technology being presented is of interest to Southern Water in the immediate future. Technologies are scored using a traffic light-based system. This year, 50% of the technologies presented received a green light to proceed with their full product offering into Southern Water. 

We were thrilled to receive a green light for the Salsnes Filter system, our rotating belt filter technology for primary wastewater treatment. Our presentation received very positive feedback and many additional questions from the panel. We discussed the modular design, small footprint, automation and proven performance of the Salsnes Filter system, and how we can help meet the needs of wastewater treatment plants and also contribute to a circular economy.

More about the British Water Innovation Exchange with Southern Water


The Innovation Exchange was held on June 7th by British Water in collaboration with Southern Water.

SMART-Plant Wastewater Pilot Projects: Salsnes Filter at the Forefront of Resource Recovery

In the wastewater industry, new product innovation is at an all-time high. Companies are developing technologies that can greatly improve the efficiencies and environmental impact of municipal wastewater treatment. The SMART-Plant project was created to help find these innovative technologies and demonstrate their ability to recover resources, reduce energy demand and minimize carbon footprint.

The project was initiated by the Italian water utility Alto Trevigiano Servizi in cooperation with the University of Verona and the Veneto regional government. It has grown into a collaboration of 25 partners in ten countries including other universities, research companies, engineering firms, water utilities and manufacturers. Funding for the project comes from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 690323.

Six Wastewater Treatment Plants, located in The Netherlands, UK, Spain, Italy, Greece and Israel, are hosting nine pilot systems. These systems will operate for two years to monitor the performance of treatment technologies installed to recover biopolymers, cellulose and phosphorus from the wastewater to be processed into final commercial products.

One of these pilot projects (called SMARTech 1) is taking place in Geestmerambacht, The Netherlands. Our Salsnes Filter system is currently being installed there to replace conventional primary sedimentation and perform primary cellulose harvesting. The system will separate fine cellulose fibers from toilet paper in the wastewater to produce a highly-concentrated sludge. For this pilot study, the sludge is then sent for post-processing inside the treatment plant. A compact sequence of equipment from the paper and food industries will treat the sludge to produce clean and marketable cellulose.

Some of the clean cellulose will be sent for further treatment at another SMART-Plant pilot system (called Downstream SMARTechA) to produce bio-composites.

Read more about SMART-Plant  


Recovering Cellulose from Wastewater for Reuse

Wastewater treatment plants have traditionally been a cost-center for municipalities as treated effluent is often discharged back into the environment with little to no beneficial reuse. This is starting to change as wastewater professionals are finding innovative ways to produce a resource to use or sell. By doing this, operating costs can be cut and ideally Plants can become profit-centers.

SFK:600 model

SFK:600 model

For the Netherlands, resource recovery is a main priority and the Beemster Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP), near Amsterdam, is an example of this. The WWTP uses eight SFK600 Salsnes Filters to separate fine cellulose fibers from toilet paper in the wastewater. Fibers are collected and further processed into sugar and in a next stage to lactic acid as a base material for bioplastic (PLA).

The WWTP also discovered an added benefit of removing cellulose from the wastewater. The organic loading on their downstream biological process has been reduced, which has lowered the Plant’s aeration requirements and energy consumption.

The Salsnes Filter installation at Beemster WWTP was built in close collaboration with our partner in the Netherlands; BWA B.V.

In this video from the national Netherlands TV station KNN Group B.V., Bob de Boer of Waterboard Hollands Noorderkwartier explains the process of the Salsnes Filter system and its use at the Beemster WWTP. The video also discusses how cellulose from screenings can be reused in other applications. It has recently been used as an ingredient in the production of asphalt to create a bike path in the area.