On August 21st, the Magnus Mitbø educational award for academic excellence was presented to M.Sc Michael Nilan (third from right) by the Norwegian Engineers and Managers Association (FLT). The award was presented for work he did in completing his master’s thesis, entitled “Microalgae Harvesting Using Salsnes Filter Technology,” at the University of Stavanger, Norway. After thorough consideration, the Magnus Mitbø educational award is presented by professionals from the industry and the academic world in recognition of exceptional educational achievement.
Mr. Nilan’s master’s thesis dealt with improving the algae harvesting process to be considerably more efficient and cost effective through the use of Salsnes Filter Technology. The harvesting process is comprised of three crucial stages: 1) particle separation, 2) thickening and, 3) dewatering. In addition to extensive literature research, Mr. Nilan contributed to the testing and development of this state of the art technology at a wastewater treatment plant in Spain. The work he did, performed in connection with his master studies, was done as part of an international consortium research project co-funded by the EU and organized by Salsnes Filter.